

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
How To Set Filmmaking Goals Fast

How To Set Filmmaking Goals Fast (So You Can Make Your Movie)

In my time making movies, I've seen it all. Starting with just an idea and going through the ups and downs …

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ai filmmaking tools

The Top AI Filmmaking Tools This Year

Filmmaking has always been about creating compelling stories for people, by people. It's a collaborative process that takes time, dedication, and …

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Guide To Writing A Film Business Plan

The Minimalist Guide To Writing A Film Business Plan

Most filmmaking business plans are stupid. Why? Because most filmmakers have no idea (especially first time filmmakers) how to project a return on investment. Don't feel bad. It's not your fault.

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idonethis productivity tool for filmmakers

I Done This: A Filmmaker's Productivity Tool

Picture this! You're in the flow. Everything is going smoothly with your film project. And then BOOM! It's not. Life just …

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How To Deliver Your Film Without Going Crazy

Film QC: How to Deliver Your Film Without Going Crazy

Getting a film distribution deal is exciting. You sit down and read over the paperwork. You agree to the terms and …

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final draft smart type screenwriter tip

Final Draft Smart Type: A Secret Tip for Screenwriters

Final Draft is the go-to software for many screenwriting professionals. It's packed with powerful features and tools that streamline the writing …

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ai filmmaking future

AI In Filmmaking: Will A Robot Take My Job?

If you’ve been thinking about artificial intelligence (AI) in filmmaking, you might wonder if a robot will take your filmmaking job… …

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How To Deal With Filmmaking Rejection( Like A Pro)

How To Deal With Filmmaking Rejection (Like A Pro)

In our filmmaker mastermind, we talk a lot about how to overcome filmmaking rejection. It's easy at times to feel like …

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