

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
vhs filmmaker standard

Why VHS Is The NEW Filmmaking Standard

In this filmmaking article, we review the revolutionary format VHS and share our opinion on why it is going to beat out Betamax.

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The Top 3 Mistakes Filmmakers Make When Pitching Their Film Projects

The Top 3 Mistakes Filmmakers Make When Pitching Film Projects

Pitching film projects is an art form. I have taught entire seminars on pitching, and there is always room for improvement. …

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How To Write A Logline For A ScreenPlay

How To Write A Logline For A Screenplay

If you wrote a complicated, character driven script and you’re trying to figure out how to condense it into one log line, have a trusted friend read your script and then ask him or her tell you what it’s about.

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We'll Fix It In Post

We'll Fix It In Post: The 5 Scariest Words on Any Film

There are always a few things that scare me during film production. I'm not talking about the “BOO” kind of haunted …

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Understanding Windowing: The 3 Types Of VOD Platforms

Understanding Windowing: The 3 Types Of VOD Platforms

“Oh my gosh, we broke a window!” Hang around Hollywood long enough and you'll eventually a some movie executive talk about …

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How To Hire A Casting Director

Hire A Casting Director For Your Next Feature Film

Many filmmakers take the DIY approach to casting a film because the prospect of hiring casting directors is intimidating. Many indie …

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Making A Short Film

Making A Short Film: 5 Awesome Tactics For New Filmmakers

A short film is the rite of passage for many new filmmakers. If you have never made a short film, this article is for you.

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Produce A Tv Series

How To Produce a TV Series That People Actually Watch

If you want to produce a TV series, there has never been a more exciting time for content creators. Nowadays, there …

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