If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.
Four Tips For Scoring Your Film (For Indie Filmmakers)
Scoring your film can have a sort of mystical power over the mind. The perfect song paired with the picture can …
Read MoreA Script Reader’s 5 Essential Tips For Screenwriters
As someone who has worked as a Script Analyst for the past decade, I am often asked to provide useful tips …
Read MoreFighting The Urge To Quit Filmmaking
Picture this! You leave your small town and move to New York City so you could go after your filmmaking dreams. Because you don't have much money, you rent the edge of some dude's cockroach infested kitchen floor – sleeping on an inflatable air mattress…
Read MoreWhy Filmmakers Fail At Film Festivals
I have been speaking at quite a few film festivals. And what I find is, many filmmakers are still stuck in an old paradigm that no longer exists. In the past, most filmmakers dreamed of getting their movies seen and sold at festivals, followed by a 3 picture deal. But the reality is, these types of deals are…
Read More3 Useful Tools So You Can Build An Email List For Your Film
With the demise of traditional DVD distribution, you as a filmmaker are responsible for your audience. Why? Because your audience is your business – and without an audience you will have no movie business. Having an audience database for your movie is essential…
Read MoreFilm Distribution: How To Negotiate Minimum Guarantees
Picture this. Your movie is in the festivals. People like it. You're getting tons of buzz. And for the past three …
Read More7 Ways To Build A Strong Filmmaking Crew (So You Can Make Your Film)
Ever notice that the same directors and producers always seem to work with the same filmmaking crew? There's a reason for it. …
Read More5 Tips To Plan Your Film Festival Strategy
As an independent filmmaker with a short documentary about to hit the festival circuit, I am faced once again with planning …
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