

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
camera gear

How To STOP Filling Your Closet With Camera Gear

If you're looking for more camera gear and you haven't yet made a film, you need to stop what you're doing right now. …

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Orange Sunshine

What The Making of Orange Sunshine Can Teach Us About Documentary Filmmaking

We met on the hard courts of Venice Beach to ball. Paddle ball. Not familiar? The game is basically miniature tennis …

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film production

Warning: Poorly Run Film Production Can Sour Your Career

Picture this! A new filmmaker begins their very first film production. He's already living in the corner of someone’s kitchen, trying to scrape …

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film industry

How To Build A Solid Reputation In The Film Industry

In this filmmaking article, producer Jason Brubaker explains how to build a reputation and why this is most important to your filmmaking career.

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new filmmaker

Five Things Every New Filmmaker Should Know

Being a new filmmaker is like navigating rough waters. In fact, making movies is one of the few jobs in the …

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camera drone

The Indie Filmmaker's Guide to Buying A Camera Drone

These days you can't go into any electronics store without the temptation to buy some sort of camera drone. This makes sense. Using a …

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expect the best outcome for your movie

You Should Expect The Best Outcome For Your Movie

If you do not expect the best outcome for your movie, you should quit filmmaking. But even you have all the optimism …

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present your movie project

Present Your Movie Project To Prospective Investors

As a filmmaker, one of the biggest challenges is raising money to make your movie. The problem is, you may have …

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