

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
film funding

The Great Film Funding Hoax: Why Investors Don't Care (And What To Do)

One of the toughest parts of getting business minded prospective investors to take you seriously is distribution. Like it or not, your film distribution strategy has a ripple effect on all other aspects of your movie production, including film finance…

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market a movie

5 Ways To Market A Movie (Without The Shenanigans)

OK. So you made a movie. Great. And so what if traditional distributors rejected you. Lets talk about how you're going to market your movie, so you have the chance at recouping a little investment.

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become a filmmaker

How To Become A Filmmaker: The Strangest Secret

If you want become a filmmaker, desire and ambition is not enough. Your ability to get a movie made, seen and …

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design a logo

How To Design A Logo For Your Filmmaking Business

The easiest way to recognize and distinguish a brand is by its logo. In the film industry production logos are usually seen at the beginning of films, on posters, websites and other materials that market the movie. Some of logos have become very famous over the years and they still have the potential to attract the audience…

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how to make it in Hollywood

How To Make It In Hollywood

If you're wondering how to make it Hollywood, you are not alone. In this filmmaking article, we share practical tips on how to make it in Hollywood.

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mobile filmmaking

Mobile Filmmaking: Make Short Films On Your Smart Device

In this article, we explore mobile filmmaking and how you can make short films on your smart device. Read this article to learn more.

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build an audience for filmmakers

This Is Why Successful Filmmakers Also Build An Audience

There is lots of talk in the filmmaking community about how to build your audience. In this filmmaking article we ask if email is better than social media.

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filmmaking goals

How To Achieve Your Filmmaking Goals Fast

If you ever feel stuck in filmmaking, this article for you. You will discover simple life hacks so you can achieve your filmmaking goals fast!

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