

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
film production budget

Warning: Is Your Film Production Budget A Liability Or Insanity?

Creating a realistic film production budget is vitally important in prepping your project. But if you're looking to attract investors, allocating …

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filmmaking success

Three Simple Steps To Achieve Filmmaking Success

Becoming a Filmmaking Success is challenging. In this article, we outline some ways you can become a success in your filmmaking career.

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How Film Funding Expert Tom Malloy Raised Over 25M

When I got started in filmmaking, one of the biggest mysteries was how filmmakers found investors. I spent countless weeks and …

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recording audio

What Movie Producers Need To Know About Recording Audio In Filmmaking

Unless you're making a silent film, every movie producer knows that recording audio in filmmaking is essential to bringing their cinematic …

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screenwriting software

Screenwriting Software: Why WriterDuet Is Awesome

When it comes to screenwriting software, there are lots of options on the market. But aside from assuring proper format or …

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filmmaking mistakes

5 Huge Filmmaking Mistakes That Will Wreck Your Career

As filmmakers, we all make mistakes. Some are big. Some are small. But there are five colossal filmmaking mistakes that I've …

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filmmaking hobby or business

Is Filmmaking Your Hobby or Business?

As a filmmaker, when you set out to make your movie – you have to think of the process like a business. You are creating a product.You are going to take your product to market. And if the stars align, you will sell your product. To do this you will need…

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filmmaker release forms

Warning: Failing To Get Filmmaker Release Forms Can Ruin Your Film

You need filmmaker release forms for everybody. Point blank. Don't skimp here. Get a lawyer. The name of the game is …

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