

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
pick your peers

Pick Your Peers And Level Up Your Filmmaking

If you want to level up your filmmaking career, you need to pick your peers wisely. I'm speaking from experience when …

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filmmaking partners

How Not To Get Screwed By Filmmaking Partners Who Suck

A long time ago, I worked on a short movie with a guy. Long story short, I found out the guy was being untruthful about money. He had hired one of my friends to build our movie website. When confronted, he told me some sort of story that was completely stupid and untruthful. Because he was a “friend,” I gave him the benefit of belief and dropped the subject.

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How To Become A Successful Filmmaker (Without Going To Film School)

Many would-be filmmakers waste valuable time trying to make everything perfect, when the true secret to becoming a successful filmmaker involves simply assessing your resources and making the movie you can make now.

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filmmaking success

The Secret To Filmmaking Success

Could you go to “networking events” and try to find folks to help introduce you to the appropriate contact? Yes. But just as easily you could pick up the phone, call your prospective contact's place of business and try to get him or her on the phone to make your pitch.

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Three Steps To Writing Low Budget Screenplays

As a filmmaker, it can be challenging to raise funds to cover production. We’re all looking for ways to be more …

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platforms for filmmakers

5 Great Platforms for Filmmakers (So You Can Accelerate Your Career)

The presence of independent films on the internet has grown immeasurably over the last ten years. Streaming services like attract millions …

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movie studio

How To Start Your Own (mini) Movie Studio From Anywhere

There will come a day when all entertainment will be on-demand and cheap to consume. The question is, will you ignore this movement and continue to play your distribution lottery ticket in hopes of winning the dream deal…

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break into hollywood

How To Break Into Hollywood (Without Moving Here)

Given advances in technology, you do not have to break into Hollywood to make money making movies. Here's how you pick up a camera and take action.

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