

If you're seeking advice on how to fund, produce and sell your movie, these filmmaking articles will help you. You'll find that each article provides creative ideas and tips, with links to further information about filmmaking.

filmmaking stuff podcast
film shoot

Why Having A Stress Free Film Shoot Is Like A Unicorn

At first thought, the idea of a stress free film shoot sounds appealing. I mean, who wouldn't want to have the …

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When You Can Know an Investor will Close

Closing investors is an art form. It takes intricate preparation. You have your pitch, your business plan, and all your elements …

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What To Do When Your Filmmaking Sucks

What To Do When Your Filmmaking Sucks Real Bad

What do you do when your filmmaking sucks? It is tough to admit that a movie you made (that you thought …

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writing a short film

The Shocking Truth About Writing A Short Film (That You Need To Know)

I’ve seen a lot of short films over the years. Frequently I’ve been impressed by the visuals, the level of the acting, sometimes the innovative use of a mix of media. Can you guess what most often is the weakest link?

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filmmaking story

Your Filmmaking Story

What is your filmmaking story? I don't mean your idea or the synopsis of your film or documentary, or TV series. …

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independent filmmaker

How To Become A Modern Independent Filmmaker

Many times an independent filmmaker considers indie film to be sacred and avoids working with studios. Other filmmakers think studio movies …

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7 Types of Comedy

The Top 7 Types of Comedy Used In Movies

Various types of Comedy are used in comedy films, ranging from slapstick comedy to satire. When you're writing a comedy, it's …

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survive the movie business

How To Survive The Movie Business

Surviving the Movie Industry in times of change is similar to surviving other industries going through change. Necessitated by the need for cash (survival), many of you will be forced to see the world as an entrepreneur. Even if you aren't ready, you may have to learn how to produce your own profitable movies…

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