If you have ever wondered how to find film investors so you can produce your movie, you're not alone. If you're like most, you have a great film idea.
You're confident it will be successful. All you need to make your movie happen is the money. But this is easier said than done.

Table Of Contents
- Film Investor Directory
- Invest In Movies
- Prep Your Project
- Actors Attract Money
- Network Your Networth
- Find Movie Investors
- Always Be Pitching
- Movie Pitch Meeting
- Keep Pushing Forward
- Frequent Questions
- Movie Investor Terms
A lot of film producers are looking for movie investors. And many of these film producers are looking for movie investors in the wrong place.
Most hopefuls hold the misguided belief that there is some secret list of movie investors who can't wait to hand over hard-earned cash to a bunch of artists with a story to tell.
If that describes you, you aren't alone.
When I started my film-producing career, I often crossed my fingers, hoping that some producer would magically appear and give me a million dollars to make my film. But once I stopped asking for permission to be successful, I could push forward.
Film Investor Directory
I frequently get emails from movie producers asking for an online film investor directory. The truth is, I have never seen a directory that wasn't a complete scam.
These websites either look like they were built in 1999, or you have to pay money to someone – or both – so they will consider investing in your project.
Dear Tom Malloy,
This is my third and final email to you. I think it’s silly that you have a filmmaking website, but when it comes time actually to help people make movies, you ignore them… So here it goes – again!
My name is [removed] from [another planet]. You should invest in the movies I want to make because my movie ideas are awesome. My friends and I will do everything – so all we need from you is the money…
I think our budget will be eighty-thousand dollars, but I am not sure. But we think you should help us because you know all about film distribution. ( We don’t care much about that stuff, ha-ha!)
Assuming that you invest in movies (you don’t want to miss out, right?) – We are prepared to give you all international rights. So again, just 80K will make you a producer. Sound good?
You can send the check to my return address.
Mr. [Name Removed]
P.S. If you pass on this opportunity, it’s your loss. But if you find another film financier for our project, we will still give you an associate producer credit.
P.P.S. What is your personal phone number? I want to call you with more details.
This note was modified and embellished to protect this unprofessional “filmmaker.”
Much of this probably seems funny. But these types of unprofessional solicitations are not rare. I get at least three emails like this per week. And here's the thing…
It starts with your network if you're looking for people who invest in movies.
Invest In Movies?
Convincing people to invest in movies requires that you think about your project from the investor's point of view. What's in it for them?
Why should they invest in movies over other investment opportunities? In other words, how is your offering more appealing than buying a stock mutual fund that grows on average 12% annually?
Sometimes, none of this matters. And investors want to invest because they have always wanted to make a movie.
Or they want to help get their kids acting roles. Sometimes, investors invest because they want something to brag about on the golf course.
Nobody has ever made your movie precisely the way you plan on making it.
Even if you have a distribution agreement, it's impossible to know if your film will be profitable, let alone break even.
As a result, only the market will tell you if your film will be a blockbuster. So it would be best if you were transparent and candid. Making movies is a risky business.
Prep Your Project
When raising money for movies, prepping your project is hands down the most important thing you can do. So before you even think about pitching to investors, you need a killer screenplay, a schedule, a budget, and a film business plan.
Creating these documents is the only way to know how much money you'll need to raise, how you plan to spend the money, and how to get a return on the investment. And before you present your business plan to anyone, you will want to meet with an entertainment lawyer experienced in funding indie films.
Once you have a fully prepped project, you need to consider ways to derisk your project for prospective investors further.
This means you must figure out WHY your prospective investor should invest in a movie instead of another business. One significant way to do this is by allocating your budget to hire an experienced crew and cast-name actors.
Actors Attract Money
Your movie's cast can significantly influence its success. Casting A-list, B-list, or C-list celebrities is essential.
Casting name actors provides more than just star power. Working with recognizable names adds legitimacy to your project. And this can help you get attention and funding and later attract a better distribution deal.
To determine if someone is a “name actor,” use the grandmother test. Ask your grandmother if she has heard of Tom Cruise.
Then, ask her if she has ever heard of the person you're considering for the lead role in your movie.
If she has not, chances that person is not a name. And if your grandmother has not heard of a particular actor, neither has the prospective investor.
Casting a name actor also helps you sell your movie to distributors. For example, buyers always ask when I attend film markets: “Who's in the movie?”
While some movies can be successful without a recognizable cast, people are much more receptive to your film when you attach a recognizable cast.
Network Your Networth
In my Attract Movie Investors course, I talk a lot about how to build relationships with wealthy and successful people. One of the tips I share is this – It will serve you well to live by the phrase: “Your network is your net worth.”
A lot of would-be filmmakers ignore this fact. But you are a reflection of the people you spend the most time with. If your network does not consist of any wealthy and successful people, you must change this immediately.
While it's true that many movie investors are in Los Angeles, there are prospective business investors in just about every state and every country on Earth.
According to Wikipedia, there are almost eighteen million millionaires in the United States. You don't have to look far to find, introduce yourself, and build business relationships with people who could invest in your movie.
Most people who invest in film work in industries outside of the film industry. Is there a business developer who just increased their net worth by millions?
Find them and pitch them. Is there a friend you have who works for a high-net-worth individual? Ask your friend for an introduction. It would be best if you were relentless in adopting an always-be-pitching mindset.
Always Be Pitching
If you go to a bar tonight, pitch your film to a few people. Are you attending a wedding? Have your pitch ready. I'm not saying you should be annoying and focus only on your pitch.
But if someone asks you, “So, Tom, what do you do?” your first response should be, “I'm raising $500,000 to shoot my horror movie this fall.”
The more people you meet and pitch to, the more you increase your odds of finding someone qualified and interested in investing in your movie.
Discover The FIVE Essential Film Funding Tactics
...Without Begging For Money!
Even if someone can't directly invest, they may know someone with enough money to invest in movie projects.
Once you locate a prospective movie investor, your next step is to take your fully prepped project and business plan, pitch it, and set up a meeting.
This is when many filmmakers get scared to pick up the phone and ask for an appointment. Don't be one of them.
Movie Pitch Meeting
I am sad to say this, but many filmmakers will quit at the first challenge. Maybe you call a prospective movie investor, and he fails to return the call.
Or he hangs upon you. Or his assistant says, “He's in a meeting.” Maybe it's something else. And if you have never cold-called a prospect before, you may give up before you even start.
One of the reasons prospective investors do not invest is because of risk. Even though you are convinced your movie will be the next Paranormal Activity, many movie investors may think differently.
They will compare your movie project to less risky investments like real estate or the stock market.
When you talk with an investor, your goal is to plan a meeting. When you agree on a date and time, end the call. Some filmmakers make a mistake and keep talking on the phone or even start pitching their movie projects. If you do this, the investor will likely find an excuse to cancel the meeting. Don't sell past the sale.
Keep Pushing Forward
Make sure your pitch is solid. You, your movie, and your movie business are a new concept to the investor. Consequently, your prospective film investor will spend much of the first meeting trying to decide if they want to do business with you.
Before your meeting, make sure you spend time researching the investor. What business are they in? How did they get their start? Is there a charity they volunteer with? Do they have a family?
This type of intel will help you build rapport. And above all, you need to have a great pitch and a fully prepped project.
If you come into the movie pitch meeting prepared, even if they don't invest, you will have an open door for future pitches because that potential investor knows you are REAL. And if they do express interest in investing, be prepared to lay out the next steps. And always ask for a referral.
If you want more information on finding and building relationships with prospective investors, you might want to enroll in my on-demand course for Finding Film Investors. In the guide, you will get valuable step-by-step tips on building relationships with wealthy and successful people in your hometown.
Got a movie idea and need money to make it happen? You don't have to be in Los Angeles or know big shots in the film industry. The real deal is making sure your movie plan is top-notch with a great story and a clear idea of how much it'll cost.
Then, start looking around you. The people who might fund your dream could be closer than you think, maybe even in your circle of friends or their connections. Always be ready to share your ideas, no matter where you are or with whom.
Finding the cash for your movie is about never giving up, reaching out to others, and showing them a project too good to pass up.
Questions About Finding Movie Investors
Here are some answers to questions you might have about finding movie investors.
How do I find people to pay for my movie?
Look beyond Hollywood. Connect with rich people in different jobs and use the internet to find those interested in movies. Be careful of scams and focus on real ways to meet investors.
Is there a list of people who want to invest in movies?
No, most lists you find are fake. It's better to get to know people who might want to invest by talking and sharing your movie idea.
What makes investors want to put money in my movie?
They need to see what's good for them. Show them how your movie can make money or be exceptional. Be honest about the risks and your plan to make the film famous.
Why are the story and planning so crucial for getting money?
A great story, budget, and plan show how serious you are and how you'll use the money. These make investors feel more comfortable about giving you their money.
Does having famous actors help get money for the movie?
Yes, well-known actors make your movie look more promising and can help bring in more money and better deals from movie sellers.
Why do the people I know matter in finding money for my movie?
The more successful people you know, the better your chances of finding someone who can invest. Being around wealthy and successful people can lead to more opportunities.
Should I always be ready to talk about my movie?
Absolutely. Share your movie idea whenever you can without being annoying. You never know who might want to invest or who knows someone who does.
What if someone I ask for money doesn't answer back?
Keep trying. Not everyone will say yes, but don't stop. Keep sharing your idea with others, and you might find someone interested.
How can I make my movie less risky for investors?
Spend wisely on a good team and famous actors. This shows investors you're serious and improves your movie's chances of success.
What do I do if an investor likes my idea?
Be ready with an excellent presentation about your movie. Know about the investor to make a good impression. If interested, explain what comes next and ask if they know others who might want to invest.
Movie Investor Terms
Here are some key terms from the article that are explained to help you get funding for your movie.
Movie Investor: Someone who gives money to help make a movie, hoping they'll get more money back or enjoy other benefits.
Hollywood: Often means the big movie-making business in the United States. People sometimes think you need to be there to make movies, but you don't.
Fake Investor List: Lists that say they have names of people who want to give money to movies, but they're usually not trustworthy or helpful.
Story: The written part of your movie, including what people say and do. It's super crucial for showing to people who might give you money.
Money Plan: How much will your movie cost, and where will you spend the money? It would be best if you had this to tell people how you'll use their money.
Famous Actors: Actors that lots of people know. Having them in your movie can make more people want to watch it and give you money.
Selling Your Movie: Making a deal to get your movie out to the public. People might be more likely to give you money if you can do this.
Meeting People: Talking and making friends with people who might have money for your movie. It's all about who you know.
Sharing Your Idea: Telling people about your movie in a way that makes them excited and want to be a part of it.
Understanding these simple ideas can help you find the money you need to make your movie without being part of the big movie scene. Check out my film funding course if you like my detailed game plan for raising movie money.